Saturday, September 17, 2011

D/L Method For Performance Appraisal Rating

Here is the result of applying Duckworth Lewis method to arrive performance rating....

EmpID - xxx

No of Projects worked - 1                                              

Duration of the Project:  Jan - June

Working days - 100 (5 days a week, excluding - possible sick leaves, PL, holidays etc)

Estimated man hours  - 8hr * 100 working days = 800 hrs

After 6months, appraisal feedback form with D/L method applied-

Avg time spent in office - 7hr per day. Time lost - 1hr

Number coffee/tea/smoking break taken - 6 times per day

Number of team mates accompanied for coffee break - 5

Time spent on each break - 15min

Total time wasted in coffee/smoke break - 15min * 6 Breaks = 90 min  (Note- 
  same amount of time i.e. 90min will be deducted from other 5 resources too...)

Extra time spent on lunch break - 30min per day

Time spent on messengers, cricket sites, news sites, etc etc - 30min per  day

Time spent on gossip(or non work related discussions) with other employees - 30min per day

Total time wasted per day - 4hrs

Project completed on time - Yes.... (After 6months i.e. after 800hrs)
But, according to D/L method, revised target for project is -
       Estimated time - Time wasted = 800 - 400 = 400 hrs

Rating..... 2/5

Note - D/L doesn't consider time spent in meetings, working from home (after office hours..) , working on Saturdays/Holidays etc